It is NEVER too late for seniors to get a degree. These programs are specifically designed for seniors to do it form their living room! Many accredited online college classes are open, with a myriad of options. Smart seniors will stay sharp and be able to earn a college degree online!
Apply to become a new student today. Best of all, plenty of colleges and universities provide Low-Cost online classes for senior citizens and veterans.
Why Get an Online College Degree?
Due to the high rate of college tuition, students are required to sacrifice so much just so they can come to classes on campus. But currently it is possible to get an online college degree that will look just as impressive to employers without forcing anyone to go through so much trouble.
By applying for an online college one will have to:
– Attend the same classes as traditional students from the comfort of one’s own home.
– Benefit from a flexible schedule and do the work at at one’s own pace without having to rush.
– Have more choice in courses and be able to finish programs and classes much faster.
– Most importantly, one will reserve a lot of money by studying online.
After all, who wants to start a new career swimming in debt? And if anyone thinks they’ll pay off traditional college loans in a couple of years, they are most likely mistaken. According to CNBC and the Department of Education, a loan of $20,000 to $40,000 takes as much as 20 years to pay off. When that is taken that into consideration, paying so much just to be able to sit in a classroom doesn’t sound as appealing1.
In contrast, online college degrees are less than common undergrad programs and there’s always the possibility of getting reduced rates with special programs. Why should anyonethrow away up to two years of salaries for a chance to room with other students?
It’s Never Too Late to Get an Online Degree
Distance learning through an online college course is an awesome solution for seniors who want to get a degree. Learn from the comfort of home, even if someone has issues with hearing, mobility, or if they drive and don’t want to commute or worry about parking. Everyone’s schedule can be flexible and course material is often available whenever needed it, which lets ome work at a pace that’s ideal for them individually.
Senior students can also count on getting help from advisors that explain how online degrees function through introductory classes. Those who are shy can expect a certain level of anonymity, and those who want to interact more will be able to talk to people with like-minded interests. Meeting new friends and colleagues is an excellent way to relieve loneliness, a significant risk factor for all-cause mortality among both women and men2.
Leading Online College Degrees
Associate’s Programs
A two-year associate’s degree that requires about 60 credit hours is probably the smartest way to start a new career or get an advanced position. This can also be an excellent stepping stone to a Bachelor’s degree. Here are some of the leading fields to consider for people who want to get their associate degree online:
– Psychology and Counseling
– Tax preparation
– Real Estate
– Child Development
Bachelor’s Programs
A four-year bachelor’s degree requires some 120 credit hours, or less if it’s preceded by an associate’s degree. The flexible learning environment of online college courses let bachelor students work part or full-time while still making progress. When it comes to an online bachelor’s degree, people most often choose the following fields of study:
– Medical Billing
– Business & Entrepreneurship
– Computer Science and Engineering
– Veterinary Technician
Going Online Is A Great Way to Choose the Right Online Degree Program
Researching and finding more about all the different online college programs might seem daunting at first, but doing so online is usually the simplest and most effective way. Really, all anyone needs to do is type in a keyword or two and they’ll get a list featuring more than a few great options.
This is the chance to get back on track…
Lead a more fulfilling life and steer any career into a more lucrative direction. Start searching for online schools today and be amazed at how many high-quality and affordable online college degrees can be found!
[1] College grads expect to pay off student debt in 6 years—this is how long it will actually take
[2] Combating the Epidemic of Loneliness in Seniors